Rob Ford appeared on the brink of tears as he addressed the media at City Hall on Tuesday afternoon.
The mayor apologized several times to the citizens of Toronto during his press conference, saying he will be “forever sorry” for the embarrassment he has caused the city.
This comes on the heels of the shocking revelation Mayor Ford made earlier in the day when he admitted to reporters gathered outside his office that he has smoked crack cocaine in the past year.
Ford also made it clear that no one in his inner circle knew about his drug use.
“I kept this from my family, especially my brother Doug, my staff, and my council colleagues because I was embarrassed,” said Ford.
Hear the full audio below.
Reporting by: Adam Jonsson, Nathan MacLeod, Brad MacDonald
Adam Jonsson
Adam is a fourth year journalism student and freelance writer. He moved to Toronto from Sweden in 2011. Adam has also lived in New Zealand where his reporting on the Christchurch earthquake in February 2011 was picked up by Swedish media. Adam is a soccer and hockey fan and has a big interest in politics.