The seasonal dream of a promising basketball team is halted in the playoffs.
Mississauga Power’s 2013-2014 season came to an end last Thursday, when they lost in the quarterfinals series to the Windsor Express.
Windsor Express took the game with a final score of 129 – 107 for the Mississauga Power.
The Power needed a win to stay in the playoffs, trailing two games behind.
The 2013-2014 season was the inaugural year for the Power.
Mississauga Power is part of the National Basketball League of Canada, central division.
This is the first time in franchise history that the Power made it to the playoffs, since leaving Oshawa.
The team was called the Oshawa Power and later moved to Mississauga in the hopes of attracting a larger audience.
On Mar 2, the Power defeated the Ottawa SkyHawks 103 – 100, enabling them to enter into the playoffs.
Mississauga Power head coach David Joseph says the loss to Windsor means the team needs to rebuild and acquire new players to keep working hard toward more victories.
“This is the first year the Power has made the playoffs. So I mean, we keep going up and up and up. Hopefully next year we will be in the finals,” Joseph says.
Despite their loss, the players and coach are looking to the future.
“It feels good. Long year, we had a lot of losses, we pulled it together to get to the playoffs. I feel like we can build on this,” shooting guard Mark Gomillia says.
Point guard David Seagers says it was fun being part of the playoffs, but going further would be great.
Gomillia played a stellar game scoring 23 points with 8 rebounds, leading the Power scoreboard.
Seagers helped with his 16 points with 4 rebounds.