Despite Democrat attacks, New Hampshire Republicans still support Trump
ElectionsPolitics Feb 11, 2020 Jacob White

President Donald Trump held a rally Monday night in Manchester, NH and got a massive response from his supporters as people lined up for days outside the SNHU Arena to get a prime location and to have the chance to show their passion for Trump by cheering and chanting in response to his every word.
There were only a few empty seats in the back of the SNHU Arena, which has a capacity of more than 10,000, with only a few empty seats in the back. Some people were dressed up in full American flag suits and Statue of Liberty costumes to support the president.

“It was so fun to be in a crowd this size” said Zoe Fimbel, 59, who attended the rally. “Everybody was cordial and fun and just enjoyed being here. That’s really cool.”

The president hit on his usual points about how he has and will continue to “Make America Great Again.”
In comparison to the Democratic candidates who have held rallies around the state in the leadup to Tuesday’s primary, Trump’s event was much larger. The only time the Democrats got close in crowd size for an event was at Saturday’s McIntyre-Shaheen 100 Club Dinner, also in the SNHU Arena, which featured speeches by all of the candidates and still had some empty seats in the higher levels. Sen. Bernie Sanders also hosted a rally on the campus of the University of New Hampshire in Durham, NH featuring appearances by Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and The Strokes that filled a venue that holds more than 7,000 people.
With Trump being called the worst president in modern political history by many Democrats at Friday night’s Democratic debate, he still manages to maintain his base that he created back in 2016.
The reasons for his support are different for each of his supporters.
“I’m a small businessman. I run an automotive repair shop so we’re watching nickels and dimes all the time. When he came down the escalator, I go, ‘There’s a businessman and that’s who I want,’” Steve Mcguire, a Trump supporter from Davenport, Iowa said before Trump spoke.

Fimbel also added that she likes the President because he is not like the other politicians.
“I love it that he’s not a politician. I love that. I have said for years that we need a businessman to run for president.”
There is a Republican primary in New Hampshire on Tuesday as well. Trump’s closest competitor is William Weld, the former Massachusetts governor, who is not expected to seriously challenge Trump.
Time will tell, though, if Trump’s support translates nationally and leads him to a second term in the White House.