Humber’s LGBTQ+ resource centre hosts events throughout the year to create a safe space for students of the community to come together in a fun and creative way. These events help students to make friends, be themselves and have fun while promoting inclusivity and shedding light on the talents... Read more
Humber College has just received almost $3.5-million in funding for three initiatives which will support industry partners and provide healthcare services from COVID-19 effects. The grant for Humber total is $3.25-million and will be dispersed over a five-year span. The funds will go towards health, economic and environmental impacts... Read more
Cabbagetown has long been a historic gem. With multiple roads of historically preserved houses, restaurants of so many different cuisines, and local farmers’ markets at Riverdale Park in the summer, Cabbagetown has variations of cultures and a sense of community. There is, however, one flaw to Cabbagetown. It has... Read more
Behind the beautiful scenery of Sam Smith Park lies a threat known as burdock. On Thursday, September 19, Friends of Sam Smith Park, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and volunteers planted many native shrubs and trees at Whimbrel Point in an effort to overcome the threat. Barbara... Read more