(Photo courtesy of 1loveTO.com)
A Yorkville clothing store is spreading the love in a different way this Valentine’s Day.
Over the Rainbow is a successful retailer of top quality denim that has partnered up with the United Way for its second annual Love Denim drive.
Customers are asked to donate used jeans to the store. All donated denim goes to the United Way. Customers will receive 20 per cent off their purchases with every donation.
“Within the community we have real problems and real concerns, and even though we are just a clothing store we try to help out the best that we can,” says Daniel Carman, co-owner of Over the Rainbow.
Over the Rainbow has been on the Toronto scene for 38 years. Carman says the Love Denim drive is an opportunity for the store to give back.
“We view Toronto as a community and that community includes people of all cultures of all races and also of all walks of life […] if we are in a position to help people that are less fortunate, I think it’s a responsibility,” Carman says.
This Valentine’s Day Over the Rainbow encourages its customers to spread love in a different way.
Senior staff member Yasminn Silva says jeans are a great alternative to traditional Valentine’s Day’s gifts.
“Everyone’s celebrating Valentine’s Day by going out on a date or buying someone some flowers or chocolate but, what’s better than receiving a pair of jeans? It has more value,” says Silva.
The Love Denim drive runs from Feb. 1-16 at Over the Rainbow.