Sara Poraria: Systemic sexual abuse of female athletes Sara Poraria: Systemic sexual abuse of female athletes
I am a sports journalist working at The Parleh Media co. I have recently graduated from Humber College obtaining my bachelor of journalism degree.  I... Sara Poraria: Systemic sexual abuse of female athletes

I am a sports journalist working at The Parleh Media co. I have recently graduated from Humber College obtaining my bachelor of journalism degree.  I have been a sports enthusiast since I can remember, playing soccer my entire life. There was no way I wasn’t going to incorporate sport into my career. As a young female sports journalist, I hope to help pave the way for many and work with this industry to give women a more prominent role. For my thesis project, I wrote about the systemic issue of female athletes experiencing sexual assault in their sport. You can read it here.

Sara Poraria

Siobhan Moore

Humber journalism professor/thesis faculty advisor